
Envie- part 72

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EvilScarrlett's avatar

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They waited under a very large oak tree and kept their eyes as open as possible; the tree helped shield them from some of the weather.
They were all getting nervous when Gabriel said “He is coming.”
Within three minutes, Gaston flew in and landed on Gabriel’s raised arm.
“What news do you have?”
“One window and a very badly worn door; he is alone right now.” Gaston said… then fluttered his wings against the weather.
“Any lights, my friend?” Gabriel asked.
“There is light inside the shed. How many I could not tell. The wind almost blew me away.” Gaston cawed.
“Maybe we should move now, since it’s only him?” Gérard asked.
“There is no point in waiting, we will follow Gaston.” Gabriel said.
“Still no message from Lukas; Just a blur comes to me. He is in pain.” Envie said.
“Be strong, we will get him soon.” her father said, taking her arm.
They followed Gaston who visibly fought the wind as he went forward.
They got close enough to see the shed and the pale light coming from the crack under the door. The door had a chain and a padlock on the handle. They went to the far side of the shed.
Gaston led them to the window, which was filthy and cracked but still clear enough to see the light. He cawed softly.
Luckily the shed was blocking the wind partially as they decided what to do.
“Dammit, a lock on the door.” whispered Envie.
“We can get you through this window.” Gabriel suggested.
“Yes! That’s a great idea.” she whispered, motivated to do anything.
“Gaston, go around to the front of the shed and let us know if anyone comes.” he said to the crow. Gaston hopped on to do as he was told.
Gabriel gave the window a try but it was locked or not meant to be opened.
“I can break the glass with my Mag.” said Gérard. “I have gloves in my bag, they may help.”
“Try to do it quietly. We don’t know where she is or if she has an accomplice.” whispered Gabriel.
Gérard put down his backpack which he usually stored in his trunk. He got his work gloves on and started at one corner, taking out pieces of pane as he went and laying them on the grass. Soon they could see Lukas through the portion that was cleared.
Envie wanted to help but her father held her back saying “One cut person would be enough. Let Gérard do his part. He is quick.”
Soon, Gérard had cleared the bottom half of the window panes. There was still the frame but being as old and rotted as it was it wouldn’t put up much of a fight. But if he broke it too soon it would make much noise.
He worked quickly and finally came to the part of breaking the window frame itself. A couple of quick strikes with the Mag and they cracked and splintered.
Finally, thought Envie. She knotted the other side of her wide skirt to bare her legs for the job ahead.
The two men lifted her easily into the window, and she landed on her now bare feet.
Lukas was blacked out again. She went to him, worried they were too late.
“Lukas, honey, wake up.” she whispered close to his face.
He didn’t stir. She couldn’t lift him, but she could unbind the wires holding his arms behind him and the wire at his bleeding ankles. She was so angry to see what this wicked woman had done she could spit fire, but she put her anger into freeing him. He sagged loosely as she moved him around, then she hear him grunt.
“Lukas- are you there baby?” she whispered.
“Envie?” he croaked.
“Yes, I’m here, but I have to hurry before she comes back.”
She worked him out of the wires and tossed them across the shed.
“Can you guys lift him if I get him close to the window?”
“I doubt it.” said Gabriel.
“Damn. Now what?” she asked.
“There may be chains but the wood of the door frame may be weaker.” said Gérard.
“Good idea. Let me go lean on it to see if it helps.” Envie said and went over to the door. When she pushed it, it creaked and she heard a bit of give in it.
“Try your Maglite handle, Gérard.” she said.
“I have something better.” he said, taking a short crowbar from his bag.
Gérard crept around the side of the building and didn’t see anyone so approached it to try to pry the door as Envie had suggested.
The chain held sturdy but the hasp gave way and the wood holding it splintered. He looked around quickly because of the noise he had made; so far, nobody showed up. Gaston moved back so the door could be pushed open by Envie. Gérard went in and helped Lukas up to his feet. He was barefooted also and his overcoat wasn’t here. Gabriel came over and helped them get Lukas behind the shed where the window was. They let him rest.
“You guys have to take him. I’ll create a diversion.” said Envie.
“And yes, I’m sure, father.”
“Dis’ girl loves you hard, my man.” Gérard said to Lukas.
They got him to his feet and left with him. Gaston stayed with Envie.
She looked for something to use. The oil lantern! She would catch this damn old shed on fire. Luckily the storm was getting milder.
She went for the lantern and heard a loud screech come from Gaston. Vera stood there, crazy eyed with a broom. She had hurt the crow and he hopped away at an angle, obviously maimed.
“What have you done, you witch!?” Vera shrieked.
Envie looked out for Gaston instead of answering.
As long as he’s not near us -Envie thought.
She kicked over the lantern and the oil spilled. She could smell the fire ignite with a crack as Vera screamed “No! He’s mine!”
“No, bitch!” Envie shouted catching Vera off guard and knocking her back. “He’s not!” she snarled.
Heddy stood by helplessly. Then she did something- she made the fire flare and burn brightly to help Envie see better. She smiled in her quiet way.
Vera stumbled and fell on her backside but didn’t drop her broom. She righted herself quickly and swung it at Envie, clipping her upper thigh. Envie was caught off guard and rocked, but got right before falling. She stumbled back and reached for her Taser. Vera was getting to her feet as Envie unlocked the Taser setting. Vera swung again, knocking it from Envie’s hand!
Envie’s eyes grew large and angry as Vera approached her. Vera sprayed her with something she took from her pocket. The stuff her father had mentioned? Maybe…
She felt fuzzy and her vision got blurry. Had the guys made it to the car? Behind her the shed was burning as the rain fell down on them.

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KingfisherSilentArmy's avatar
Wow it's getting dramatic.
I like the fight scene! :D

One typo "Had the guys had made it to the car?"
One too many hads xD