
Envie-part 37

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Literature Text


They walked down the relatively quiet sidewalk until they were walking beside a large hedge; she put her finger to his lips and pulled him through the hidden opening and into the park. She was the one who giggled this time. Her mind was high on absinthe and she was very happy.
She led him over to the same bench she had shared with Gérard.
“I come here when it’s closed to be with nature and to think.” She told him.
“I can see why; it’s a beautiful setting.” Lukas said. He reached over to pick a few loose leaves from her hair.
“Not as lovely as the plantation, but easier to get to when I’m awake.” She joked. She groomed him of leaves, laughing a little. “I’m sorry it’s a messy way to get in.”
“I take it that nobody has ever caught you sneaking in?” he asked, smiling.
“You’d be correct.” She said with a warm smile. She felt very warm inside and as bright as a crystal in the moon’s light.
“I do believe you are tipsy, my dear.”
“Correct again.” She said with a light laugh. “Shh,” she continued, “someone may hear us being loud.”
“Don’t worry,” he whispered. “We are safe.”
He held her close as they talked about the moon and stars overhead.
Envie thought that maybe he was right; maybe they were really safe.
Lukas and Envie talked for an hour out there in the moonlight of the park. She yawned terribly and excused herself.
“I assure you, it’s not your company making me yawn.” She told Lukas.
“If you’re sure…” he said with a smile and kissed her forehead like a child’s.
“But maybe I should walk you home. It’s not too far, is it?”
“No Lukas, it’s not too far.”
They slipped out stealthily and began the short walk back to Heddy’s Healing. This time they held hands and he comforted her by leaning in close every now and then to steal a small peck on the cheek.
They got to the store and Envie realized in her tipsy state that she had lost her purse with the keys in it.
“Does Gérard have a spare for you?” he asked, trying to calm her.
“Yes! He does.” She said with a lift of excitement in her voice.
They walked over to Café Lafitte and as soon as they entered Gérard spotted them.
“Hey guys!” he said. “I know why you’re back.”
“Your charming personality?” said Envie, having calmed down.
“Mais, that too, but someone turned in a purse earlier…” Gérard began.
“You’re the best!” she said, hugging the bewildered Gérard tight.
“Envie and I were going to the shop and there was no key…she’s a bit emotional.” Said Lukas.
Envie turned and smacked Lukas on the arm. “I am not emotional. I am just weary, thank you.”
Lukas brushed it off and said “Yes, dear, of course.”
“Don’t patronize me Lukas or you’ll be sorry…” she warned with a sweet grin.
“Don’t.” said Gérard. ”Trust me on this.”
“Understood.” Said Lukas, stepping back; He was sporting a large grin but trying to hold it in.
Gérard got Envie’s purse. She didn’t notice anything missing after a precursory glance…and the keys were there.
“This was very good luck.” She said.
“Unusually good luck in the ‘Quarter.” Gérard agreed.
“Time for sleep.” Said Envie, keys in hand, purse slung over her shoulder.
“Yes it is.” Said Lukas quietly.
They said good night to Gérard and started the short walk to the shop.
Once they got in, she secured the door and they walked through and stopped by Gaston. He woke and said ‘Bonjour’ but sounded very tired so they left him alone.
“I’m not a hysterical woman, Lukas, so don’t try to say I am.” She accused.
“I apologize for anything I may have said unknowingly, my dear.”
Suddenly Envie began to cry. She walked away from Lukas, trying to hide her face.
“I’m okay, just too much of the green at a bad time….”
“I didn’t know you were having a bad time; come and sit, we’ll talk.” Lukas said, concerned. He got her some Kleenex and walked her to the small table and chairs and she sat with encouragement.
He also sat, after getting them both a glass of water.
“I miss my grandmother. Everything with us is moving so fast and I’m really scared.” She said.
“Those are a lot of feelings and it’s okay if you let them out.” He said calmly.
She reached over and took his hand with her free one. “Thank you. I shouldn’t have more than 2 drinks on an empty stomach. I get all emotional…”
“You held it in for long enough,” he said, “Now let me take you to bed…”
She let him help her up, threw away the Kleenex and walked with him to the bedroom. She felt like she could trust him after all they had shared.
They got to the bed and he stopped. “Do you want to change?”
She realized she was wearing a hell of an ornate dress with jewelry also. “I think I better. This is quite a large dress. It might take up the whole bed.”
“I mean no disrespect, but do you need help?” Lukas asked.
“Maybe a little.” She told him how to help by unzipping the dress and unclasping her fine necklace. He laid the necklace and earrings on her dresser as she slipped into the bathroom. She wore no make-up so she splashed her face with water after letting the dress hit the floor. Dammit, she didn’t bring anything to change into! So much for thinking straight.
“Are you alright?”
“Yes, but I forgot a change of clothes, can you get me something?” she asked.
The door opened a crack and a wad of cloth was held for her to take. She took it and the door shut. She shook it out and realized it was Lukas’ button down shirt. She slipped into it and felt immersed in his essence. She did up the buttons and picked up her dress. It would need to go to the cleaners.
She walked out to find Lukas sitting on the edge of the bed in his sleeveless undershirt- aka beater. He looked astoundingly handsome as he looked up at her.
He stood up and took the dress, laying it gently over Heddy’s old rocking chair that Envie kept in the bedroom. She thought of Great Maw and smiled a little. She would approve of Lukas; she just knew it.
He came over to her and began rolling up the much too long sleeves on the shirt. When he was done he seemed satisfied with his task.
Envie took his hands, brought them to her lips and kissed them. “Thank you, for being you.”
He turned her hands over and held them likewise and kissed them both. “You are always welcome, my dear.”
She felt the warmth of him encompass her all around. It was like bathing in the sea of his light and curling up in his darkest corners all at once.
Envie fell into his arms and hugged his waist. It took no time for him to hold her in return, his hand stroking her hair.
“Let’s turn in. Did you want some hot chocolate or tea before bed?” he asked.
“You’re all I want tonight.” She responded.
When they got into bed, Gato merhed and joined them, getting her brief moment of love before going down to settle at the foot of Envie’s bed.
“I can see why she loves you.” Lukas whispered to her in the darkness. He hugged her close as they spooned.
“She’s my special girl…” Envie said with a yawn.
With that, she fell asleep under his hold.
Lukas lay very still until he was sure Envie was fully asleep, then he got up and went to the bathroom. He brushed his teeth with the toothbrush in his kit he had left from the day before. He washed his face quickly, for he had something else on his mind.

the rest of date night, but what could Lukas be up to?
(yes 2 chapters in one day!)

Part 38:…
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